Parents and the community at large are encouraged to participate in our various activities throughout the year. These activities enable us to continually improve the quality of our resources for the various programs and groups at our centers. Each year we carry out 4 fundraising/community activities.

  • Every fall, we participate in the Farm Fresh fundraiser. 40% of total sales go directly to the centers. This fundraiser fits in well with our values of providing healthy food for the children.
  • Our spring raffle is our biggest fundraiser. Local businesses and families donate prizes, and we sell tickets ($5 each or 5 for $20) throughout May. Winners are drawn on the last Friday in May.
  • Two afternoons of family skating at the Welland arena (Skate-a-thon):
    December 1 and February 3.
Events and excursions:

We have decided, starting in 2023, to dedicate all funds raised through fundraising to events and excursions. Thanks to our fundraising efforts and the generous contributions of the community and our families: :

  • All our centers visited the pumpkin farm.
  • All our centers went strawberry picking.
  • We had theater performances at all our centers.
  • We had visitors and guests who came to share nature and animal interactions with the children in our centers.
  • We visited the butterfly conservatory.
  • We organized a family event in Chippawa Park.

We look forward to having more adventures with your children and sharing them with the community.